The Significance of the Professional Competences of the Phd Program in Religious Studies

studentsAny educational program should be oriented primarily on internal changes and the requirements of society.

That is why modern Ukrainian education should teach, first of all, the ability to “survive” in modern conditions and adapt 122 to constant social challenges. The implementation of a competent approach to education can help to do this.

According to the majority of scientists who studied this problem (H. Selevko, O. Hluzman, V. Khymynets), the competence approach focuses on acquiring generalized methods of activity; competence contains the knowledge and skills necessary for solving various problems in society.

Competence covers a variety of components: motivational, social, ethical, cognitive, technological and behavioral. It contains the system of value orientations of the person and the learning outcomes. Studying, family, friends, work, politics, religion can impact on the competence formation. Therefore, the presence or absence of competence affects not only one sphere of human life. [Часнікова О. В. Компетентнісний підхід в освіті як основа її реформування [Електронний ресурс] / О. В. Часнікова // Народна освіта. Електронне нау- кове фахове видання. – Рубрика “Педагогічна наука”. – 2014. – Вип. № 3(24)].

Within this approach, I.A. Ziaziun believes that competence is the core of professionalism. This is the comprehensive content of knowledge: the ability to work with the material (analysis and synthesis of information) analyze communication situations, reflect on the essence of events and phenomena, choose the means of interaction [Зязюн І.А. Філософія педагогічної якості в системі неперервної освіти / І. А. Зязюн // Вісник ЖДПУ ім. І. Франка. – 2005. – № 25. – С. 13–18.].

To do this, you must have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Having received professional competence in any field, we can apply them in another one. For example, such professional competences of the PhD program in the specialty “Religious Studies” [Освітньо-наукова програма підготовки докторів філософії за спеціальністю 031-релігієзнавство [електронний ресурс], as the ability to formulate a scientific problem, working hypotheses of the problem under study, which involves a profound rethinking of existing and creating new integral knowledge and professional practice (FC-1); the ability to identify potential links between aspects of subject knowledge and the contexts of their application in the field of education and science (FC-4); the ability to comprehend the various roles of participants in the learning process (FC-10); the ability to substantiate and implement targeted program approaches, to carry out strategic management, to create a new methodology for the development of target programs (FC-13) will be invaluable treasure for a scientist in any educational field.

At the same time, the ability to investigate the essence, content, basic categories of religious studies (FC-2) will teach the student abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, which are also necessary for any specialist. Formation of the ability to manage projects (FC- 7) improves the quality of the manager, and the ability to develop, justify and apply new forms and methods of studying religion, to classify them (FC-12) will help to form the skills of argumentation and “upholding” of their own beliefs.

And, finally, the ability to analyze modern approaches to theoretical 123 interpretation of the content of state-confessional relations, to independently analyze national legislation on the issue of ensuring state-confessional relations (FC-15) will help to form critical thinking, which is now a necessary condition for modern life. Thus, it becomes apparent that professional (special) competences and skills that they form involve a large number of occupations and industries.

Accordingly, graduating from this or that faculty, in addition to a diploma and a luggage of knowledge, the graduate receives a variety of skills that will help him in the future to achieve the goals and solve the temporary and global problems in various spheres of public life.

Author T. V. Sobol

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