Moral and psychological aspects of children’s and adult insults

neporozuminnyaThe emotional sphere is a phenomenon that consists of emotional conditional and feeling, that will become a character trait. An important thing is insult. It arose when we was children.

The scientists who engaged in problem the emergence of experiences and overcoming insults are O.A. Apunevych, S.A. Aheyeva, Anuashvyly A.N., M.S.Gritsenko, V. Hranskaya, M.A. Nabatov.

Everyone scientists this problem provides a definition insults. However, O.A. Apunevych think that is negative emotional conditional the cause of which is powerlessness and injustice that arising from the differences between expectations and actual behavior in situations that arise in life subjects.

In opinion S.A. Aheeva and M.S. Gritsenko, insults is negative emotional experience which will can to neurotic reaction that occurs in situations of self.

In opinion A.N. Anuashvili, insults is feelings of disappointment that we get from other people when didn’t recognize their behavior.

It should be noted that the reason to insults can describe depending on age individual.
The children’s insults significantly different to adult. Children focus on yourself and adult is pronounced selfishness.

Without experience in communication, formed feeling and freedom, a child distributes its desire for everything that surrounds it. They know that parents must just pay attention to them and all their wish come true. If it doesn’t come true children sees is how a global insults. The first insults to children we can see in one years old. A more images showing child aged 2-5 years.

Among the causes of image in children distinguish the following: remarks adults, parents, educators, negative name calling children and adults who do not allow you to do so as the child wants. In opinion E.O. Smyrnovoy, insults of children occurs when it is experiencing some restrictions on their desires without taking into account of others.
In relation to personal characteristics resentful children can distinguish the following patterns. First, it is pronounced setting on evaluative attitude, waiting child positive, otherwise is negative.

The main difficulties kids are dismissive perception of others, negative attitude to them. In susceptible children statements mainly relate to the attitude of others to their personality (for me, friends or not, divided or not divided toys).

You should also highlight another feature of touchy children: fantastic nature of their stories. Children make up non-existent characters; they are unrealistic about the story. For example, the story of the meeting with the fairy, rescue friend from evil spirits. But its real peers, such children do not notice.

In the stories of other children such stories do not occur. Harmless children usually talk about ordinary events in the lives of their buddies and friends.

These fantasies, in which insulting a child can show their strength, bravery close from the reality, replacing relationships with other children.

Regarding the the emergence of the images already in adulthood, it must be said that such behavior is irrational and inefficient. But not all are able to control it in critical situations is not offended by others. Causes way adults are demonstrative character as a means of influencing the family and relatives.

People who have insults is sees his egocentrism and strives to make it drew attention, treated with love and pity. Also resentment we feel when our expectations are not realized, do not coincide with reality. When an adult person believes that she deserves something more, but she does not get it from their parents, children, wife, husband, prince and others.

In adulthood we independently bears responsibility for the events and actions that occur in her life and as well as the images that she did come up with.

Thus, resentment manifests itself in different ways depending on the age and characteristics of people response.
In the words of Francois de La Rochefoucauld “People petty mind sensitive to small dinners – people of great intelligence all notice and nothing on offense.”

It is important to understand thoughts and actions of others and the understanding relate to it, don`t to demand something. Because experiencing a sharp insults we do not consciously provoke themselves to the internal conflict, which will bring us disappointment, worsening of mood, or even psychosomatic illness.

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