Tag Archives: China

Trade Globalization, Internal Migration, and Regional Income Inequality in China

market-chinaIn recent years, more and more attention has been focused on the widespread and increasing income inequality in China. Many scholars have noted that globalization could help to explain the rising inequality in China. It may be true that globalization, unevenly concentrated in coastal urban areas, leads to uneven development at both intra-regional and inter-regional levels, and the uneven Continue reading

Myth and Realities of the Labor Supplies in the Era of Globalization: A Comparative Analysis of China and South Africa

AfrikaWorkeA recurrent theme in the globalization literature is that jobs and investment are being increasingly funneled away from wealthy and middle-income countries towards countries that boast large reserves of cheap labor, in particular, China. It is often argued that the failure of middle-income countries like South Africa, Mexico and Colombia to benefit from globalization rests Continue reading

Japan and China Rivalry in Building an Asian Community

N-AziaSince the economic crisis hit East Asia in 1997, East Asian states have begun to make efforts to build an East Asian community. In 1997 the Northeast Asian states of Korea, Japan, and China joined the ASEAN meeting and created ASEAN+3 framework. These thirteen countries decided to establish an East Asian Vision Group(EAVG) in 1998 and an East Asian Study Group(EASG) in 2001. With the two reports of these groups, the region has Continue reading

Ethnic Boundary Maintenance in Reform-Era China

CinaModern state-building has often involved the incorporation of peripheral peoples who are ethnically distinct from the state’s dominant group. Some of these peripheral groups succumb by assimilating, while others contest the legitimacy of the state’s claim and violently resist integration. Others are able to reach some sort of modus vivendi by negotiating the extent of their autonomy and self-governance.

Why some groups follow one path and not another, however, seems not to have a very straightforward relationship with initial political, Continue reading