Tag Archives: law

The Moral Justification of the Law Reforming

Attorney's moral dutyLaw and morality are the ways of regulating of the social relations. The right, as well as a morality is a dynamic system that has a different expression in the different historical epochs.

Different approaches to the definition and understanding of law in the scientific literature are affecting to the interpretation of the legal and illegal facts. Continue reading

The relationship between law, moral and morality in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law

Hegel_portrait45German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 – 1831) doesn’t take a significant place in ethics compared with philosophy in general. But he made a very decisive step forward – the transition from ethics of goodwill to the ethics of socially meaningful activity. This step was necessary for the appearence of a historical-materialistic theory of morality.

In general, according to Hegel a law can be understood in its three core values. I. A right in the sense of freedom. Freedom and law have the united understanding. So the freedom is the existence of will, as Georg Hegel believed that thinking and will – Continue reading