Tag Archives: moral

Moral and Political Ideal of Cicero

CiceronThe first century BC was marked for the Roman Republic by the intensification of inside crisis processes that led to its collapse. In many ways, these processes were caused by perversion of the system of state power, where the dominant place was occupied by the tribal aristocracy.

Access to the Senate and magistrates was actually closed to truly active, gifted citizens ready to serve the Republic. On the contrary: representatives of the nobility, having guarantees of access to power, regardless of personal qualities and merits, used their position in their personal interests. Continue reading

The Moral of Revolutionaries

RevolutionariesAs a rule, Political Science considers revolutions in isolation from the moral qualities of people that make it, abstracts from them.

Moreover, even considering the revolution in moral categories the moral of revolutionaries as such remains outside its field of view (this cannot be said about fiction literature: let’s remember, for example, Dostoevsky’s “Demons”!). Continue reading

Moral and Aesthetic Education

drowEducation is a process of organizing purposefully an interaction between an educator and a pupil that influences the conscience, subconsciousness, perceptional and motivational sphere of a pupil, with a view to form a scientific conception of the world, high moral qualities, social and professional personal traits. Continue reading

Professional Activities of a Lawyer

laewerWhen I started work at this easy theme , I read and reviewed a large number of materials, in which noticed a lot of new and interesting about my professional activities and moral consequences of it, for myself. In my opinion, the activities of a lawyer , does not depend only on his occupational knowledge , but also on the moral principles and views of the specialist in general. Continue reading

Moral and Psychological Treatment Aspects of People with Mental Diseases

psihLikCovering our topic “Moral and Psychological Treatment Aspects of People with Mental Diseases” I think it would be relevant to define the “moral” notion. It is the unwritten rules of behaviour established by society.

Moral considers appropriate and inappropriate actions of the society in general or individuals. Moral is considered to be the science about evil and good. Continue reading

On the possibility of a rationally justified moral judgment

moral judgmentHistorically, all logical deliberations have been divided into theoretical and practical ones. The division is usually explained by reference to the distinct final goals of each type of judgment: theoretical reasoning aims at grasping the truth of some proposition, but practical reasoning proceeds by reaching a practical judgment with an aim of using it as a basis for a subsequent action. Continue reading

Moral in the clash of values

ethics-KIn the context of the conflict’s need theory author of the theses tries to offer an analysis of the social and value conflicts’ moral factors influence, as well as to demonstrate that in this context moral factors act as an instrument of conflict, which is being exploited either for the sake of the conflict tension relief or for its strengthening. Continue reading

The moral attitudes influence to conflict human values

neporozuminnyaThe report shows that the opposite moral attitudes of groups occupying opposite positions in the social structure are associated with orientations toward opposite life goals. In contrast, intermediate moral attitudes and moral assessments of social groups occupying middle positions in the social structure are associated with an orientation toward a combination of opposing life goals. Continue reading

Moral aspects of social tension

moral-peopleSocial tension manifests itself in people’s dissatisfaction with the existing situation. It is accompanied by the spread of negative social sentiments. As indicators of social tension, the report considers the following elements of the current social situation: satisfaction with the state of the country’s economy, satisfaction with the work of democracy in the country, satisfaction with the state of the health care system in the country, assessing Continue reading

Social and moral Evil in the world

zlooLet’s start with an understanding of the concept of “Evil” in general.

Evil – is the diametrical opposite meaning to Good. They believe that there are three main types of Evil in the world.

The first type is a natural Evil. All those natural forces that destroy human well-being, and sometimes-even life. The human will and consciousness have no influence on such evil. Various natural processes occur, despite the human will or actions. Continue reading