Tag Archives: Muslim

A Paradox of Women’s Lives in Matrilineal Society and Muslim Patriarchy in Indonesia

IndonesiaThis paper examines changes of Minangkabau women’s lives in West Sumatra, Indonesia from the early twentieth century to the twenty first century. Minangkabau is an ethnic group in West Sumatra Province with matrilineal tradition. This matrilineal is a system in the maternal Continue reading

Indonesian Muslim Feminist Agendas toward Recognition of Gay and Lesbian Rights

asian-gayThe Muslim feminists in Indonesia have an important position among the efforts to uphold gay/ lesbian rights. Nowadays, some groups such as GAYa Nusantara, Koalisi Pelangi, and Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, who promotes gay rights in Indonesia focus on the internal empowerment among gay communities and still abandon the problem of theology and religion. It is hard for the Continue reading

Creating Islamic Identity

islamAsiaMost of works on violent conflicts tend to begin with an assumption that ethnicity, religiosity, and nationality have to with the sources of the conflicts. Because the way the studies see the conflicts, they are then called “ethno-nationalist conflict” studies. In this way, conflicts in the Middle East are “Arab-Israeli conflict” or “Arab-Palestinian Conflict”, the conflict in the Balkan “Muslim-Christian Conflict”, the conflict in Rwanda “Hutu-Tutsi Continue reading