Tag Archives: ethical

Big Data Technologies: ethical issues

Big DataBy now, modern society seems to have become accustomed to the fact that we live in the reality of an ongoing information revolution. Leading countries of this revolution developed the basic rules of the game: concerning the protection, storage, use of digital information. Continue reading

Expectation: ethical aspects

expectationExactly a century ago, there was a significant “reformatting” of both the entire social space and the world outlook of Russians. And it was precisely this kind of breakdown that none of the faithful sons of the country seriously foresaw.

Оutlook on life of Russians of the early Continue reading

Ethical image of space hero: the soviet cosmonaut in media

kosmonavt-sssrThe new Russian Federation Astronauts Regulation was published in 2017, it focused on the rights and duties of astronauts among which are propaganda of RF’s advances in manned cosmonautics and observance of the professional ethics code.

The first USSR Astronauts Regulation was confirmed in 1960s, it positing that astronaut candidate must have an impeccable ideological reputation, which is the foundation of professional ethics. 1960s is Continue reading

P. V. Kopnin ethical and philosophical doctrine

KopninWhat place does the dialectic take in the philosophy? To truly understand this question, you need immerse yourself in ancient times. However, sufficient enough to consider the well-known figure P.V. Kopnin who, worked in the 60s of last century, made a significant contribution to the logic of scientific research of USSR and the result – extended philosophical thoughts and ideas of that time.

A lot of attention in the dialectic as “art of speaking” the philosopher devoted to the logic of scientific knowledge and methodological Continue reading