Category Archives: Mental

Traumas, and Traumas! The Stories of College Women

As many as 85% of individuals report experiencing trauma at some point in their lifetime (Frazier et al., 2009; Smyth et al., 2008). Trauma exposure, specifically in the college population, is related to many negative consequences, such as substance use, emotional and academic issues, and dropping out of college (Banyard & Cantor, 2004; Duncan, 2000; MacFarlane et al., 2009).

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Preference for Leisure Time and Physical Activity

Physical ActivityThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the preferences people have for physical and leisure time activities, and the actual amount of engagement in physical activity. This will be accomplished in two phases.

Phase one will be completed through an online preference assessment to see if individuals have a strong preference for Continue reading

Effects of Experimental Task Demands on Joint Attention and Verbal Behavior Observed during Parent-Child Interactions

Parent-ChildTreatment outcome studies have shown direct observation measures of parent-child interaction can be particularly sensitive to changes in both parent and child behavior following intervention; however, relatively little is known about the effects specific tasks used during the observation have on the sensitivity of detecting behavior change over time. Continue reading

Parent Satisfaction with Two Adjunctive Parent-implemented Interventions for Young Children Diagnosed with Autism

autizmParent-implemented interventions are cost-effective and ecologically valid means of increasing access to evidence-based intervention for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Parental satisfaction is critical for treatment fidelity and the subsequent success of parent-implemented interventions. Continue reading

Telehealth Delivery of Parent-implemented Verbal Behavior Intervention for Children with Autism

autizmThe purpose of this study was to evaluate a telehealth delivery model of a parent-implemented intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis and Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior (ABA/VB). As the demand for effective intervention increases with the rise in ASD, innovative treatment delivery systems are needed. Continue reading

The Role of Substance Use in Adolescent Girls’ Perpetration of Controlling Behavior with Dating Partners via Social Networking

tabletApproximately 20% of teenagers experience some form of dating violence (DV) (Shorey, Fite, Choi, Cohen, Stuart, & Temple, 2015). Advances in technology provide a new outlet for teen DV behaviors to occur though the platform of social networking or information technology (SN/IT). Continue reading

Understanding the Role of Pre-Game Drinking Motives with Sexual Assault for American and Spanish Women

SEXUAL-ASSAULT1Pre-gaming is a common drinking experience for many college students and occurs cross-culturally, with specific attention on Spain and the United States (Begona, et. al., 2012). Pre-gaming is defined as consuming alcohol before attending a social function (e.g. a party, going to the bar) (DeJong, DeRicco, & Schneider, 2010) and can be used as an event in which to binge drink. Continue reading

Factors Influencing Beliefs About Oneself and Others in Undergraduate Students

think-yourselfBeliefs underlie our daily interactions, relationships, and assist in our functioning. When beliefrelated processes become dysfunctional (e.g., thought disorder, delusional ideation), these phenomenon may be associated with a wide range of clinical impairments Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders often involve impairments in thought processing, communication, and beliefs that may be present on a continuum Continue reading

How can English teachers improve the student’s writing by introducing contrastive rhetoric?

study12In this paper, I would like to present what contrastive rhetoric is and how English teachers can introduce it in their writing class with careful examination. Contrastive rhetoric (CR) is a field of study which was initiated by Robert Kaplan in 1966. He suggests that each language has its own writing convention and that English nonnative students bring their native languages’ writing styles when writing in English. In fact, English teachers are Continue reading

Depression as one of the reasons that aggravate the symptoms of complicated forms of migraine

depressionActuality of the problem. General practitioners, neurologists, cardiologists, therapists in their daily practice often face a headache problem. Among the primary headaches, a special place is given to one of the most common vascular headaches – migraine, which affects up to 12% of the world’s population. The disease has a well-defined hereditary nature (the risk of illness in children with a hereditary burden on the mother’s line is 72%, along the line of the father – 30%, with migraine in both parents it reaches 80-90%) [2, 5, 6, 13]. Continue reading