Category Archives: Mental

Does Sexual Risk Among Girls with a History of Dating Violence Vary According to Childhood Maltreatment?

ViolenceChildhood maltreatment (CM) is associated with risky sexual behavior (RSB) in adolescence Negriff et al., 2015). Little is known about the association between types of CM and RSB among adolescent girls with a history of dating violence (DV). We examined whether RSB differed according to five types of CM for 109 girls (age 14-17) from a randomized controlled trial of an indicated DV prevention intervention. Continue reading

Romantic Relational Styles, Mental Health and Cyber Abuse

Social mediaNearly 26% of adolescents report experiencing cyber dating violence (DV; Zweig, Lachman, Yahner, & Dank, 2014). Previous studies indicate that both romantic relational styles and impaired mental health (MH) functioning are potential risk factors for DV (Furman & Wehner, 1994; Zweig et al., 2014). Individuals with avoidant and anxious relational styles are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of DV. Continue reading

Intimate Partner Violence and its Impact on the Rowan University Community

ViolenceIntimate partner violence (IPV) is best defined as “physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, and psychological aggression (including coercive acts) by a current or former intimate partner.” Previous literature has established that young adults are more susceptible to IPV than the general population due to many social and societal pressures surrounding their environments. Continue reading

Bullying, Mental Health and Residence in College Students

In college, some students experience bullying which has an impact on their mental health. This could lead to negative effects on their ability to learn, socialize, and cope with the stress of their academic career. An online survey is underway to measure levels of anxiety and depression as well as any bullying experiences in Rowan students Continue reading

Self-Regulation as a Mediator of Exercise Motivation and Life Satisfaction

students, life satisfactionCollege is a period where many students struggle with life satisfaction or satisfaction with their weight. Low life satisfaction has been associated with depression and suicidal thoughts. There is evidence that higher levels of both exercise motivation and self-regulation correlate with higher levels of life satisfaction. Continue reading

Self-Esteem Levels in College Students

international-studentsSelf-esteem plays an important role in every person’s life. One needs to feel worthy mentally, physically, and emotionally throughout their life in order to achieve their life goals. Self-esteem affects all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Higher self-esteem allows for the decrease in depression and anxiety. It is important to understand how to lower selfesteem to protect against negative psychological factors. Continue reading

Gender and Social Interaction

MWGender differences and how they may influence altruistic behaviors have been studied for over 50 years. The majority of these studies have focused on behaviors that help those who are in need of some form of physical assistance. Continue reading

Pedestrian Distraction & Crosswalk Safety

Crosswalk SafetyRecent research has explored the phenomenon of distraction and traffic safety. In particular, the largest focus has been on driving, such as talking on a cell phone (Nabatilan et al., 2011), that can lead to unsafe distraction. Continue reading

Application of Behavioral Skills Training in Teaching Data Collection

students_studyA limited body of research exists exploring the effectiveness of different training packages on teaching accurate data collection. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) has had success in preventing gunplay (Kelso et. al, 2007), teaching anti-abduction techniques (Johnson et. al, 2005), and training teachers to implement discrete-trial teaching (Sarokoff & Sturmey, 2004). Continue reading

Mental Health in Sri Lanka

Sri-Lanka-studentThis study is an accumulation of the ethnographic and observational research garnered over the last year by the author (Jennifer Vorel) who lived in Sri Lanka for about a month and a half, working for Sri Lanka Volunteers’ 5- week Mental Health Placement. Continue reading