Tag Archives: : competence

Developing students’ communicative competence in university

studentThe development of communication abilities and foundation of speaking skills are considered in this article. As a source of information used by educational and scientific text on a specialty, which is determined on the basis of the formation of language skills and the development of communication skills.

The main goal of the subject «Russian language» is to form a communicative competence of the future specialists, that is to form skills to solve real communicative tasks Continue reading

Developing the professional competence of a future lawyer

future lawyerIn this article describes the developing education in the process of the formation of a professional competence of a future lawyer. Proved that developing education in the professional training of future lawyers play an important role, since its implementation cannot simply learn and comprehend the material, but also to analyze, organize, select basic and make conclusions, to be able to Continue reading

The use of trainings in formation of communicative competence of students of law faculty

osvitaThe article is devoted to the problem of formation of communicative activity (competence), relevant for every modern person and society as a whole. The vocational training of university students should take into account the requirements of the labor market for the communicative skills and skills of a specialist and widely introduce the most productive methods of practical mastering and development of communicative competence in the educational process. Continue reading

Philosophy as a methodological basis of education in Ukraine

PhilosSociety can survive and develop only under conditions of adequate responses to the challenges of the social environment. The main characteristic of modern society is the rapid changes of ideas, information dissemination and accumulation of new knowledge.

These processes have spread around the world primarily due to intensive development Continue reading