Tag Archives: philosophy

Etyczne i filozoficzne nauki Jean-Paul Sartre

sartrlPiek?o to inni!
Jean-Paul Sartre – fr. filozof, egzystencjalizm. Oczekiwanie nico?? przed ?mierci? daje ludzkiej egzystencji egzystencjalny charakter. Sartre obejmuje nie tylko nieistnienia “nic”, ale g?upoty. Jedyne mo?liwe podej?cie do zagro?enia – odwagi, by wzi?? na siebie: odwagi!

Egzystencjalizm – jest jak pr?ba wyci?gni?cia wniosk?w z sekwencji ateizmu. Pr?bowa? nawet chwyci? cz?owieka w rozpaczy. Je?li, na przyk?ad, spr?buj wymieni? wszystkie niedowierzanie rozpacz, niewiar? we wszystkim, podobnie jak Continue reading

Filozoficzna doktryna K. Junga

jungK. G. Jung 26. 07. 1875 roku urodzenia, urodzi? si? w mie?cie .

Po zako?czeniu Bielscy gimnazjum, w 1895 roku wst?pi? na uniwersytet.Ca?e ?ycie marzy?, by zosta? chirurgiem, ale nieoczekiwanie rozwi?zanie zmieni?o. Pewnego dnia odby? praktyk? w szpitalu i przygotowywa? si? do egzamin?w, w jego r?ce trafi? podr?cznik psychiatrii, dowiedzia? Continue reading

Psychologism and Aesthetics

aestheticsWhile learning scientific discipline such as aesthetics, I realized that first of all aesthetics science is philosophical science. It studies the nature of the aesthetic consciousness videlicet common functions and principles of human activities and society generally.

Aesthetics is the science about cognition of the world, creative attitude of any person to the reality, it is the science about conceptual and things that are not based on certain Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of Francis Bacon

francis_bacon1Many problems of morality studied English philosopher Francis Bacon, who dedicated this issue some of their work “experience or teaching moral and political”, which is in itself an essay on ethical and socio-political issues and “Experiments and learning”, which consists of his short essay in which the philosopher puts their consideration of morality and politics.

Francis Bacon wrote about death and human nature, and favor his views, good nature and kindness, habits and education, manners and morals, love and happiness, friendship, cunning, Continue reading

Gilyarov Oleksiy philosophy and ethics

GilyarovGilyarov Oleksiy Mykytovych is famous Ukrainian teacher, philosopher, writer, the first academician-philosopher of the all-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He was born in 1855 in Moscow. His father, became the Slavophile, publicist, theologian Mykyta Petrovich Plyarou-Platonov. O. Gilyarov studied at Moscow University. Then he continued to gain knowledge in the French capital ? Paris, a well-known psychologist and psychiatrist G. Sharko. Then, from 1883 to 1887 he worked as a privat-docent at Moscow high school, lectured on Aristotle and Plato, lectures on aesthetics. In addition, he taught Russian and ancient languages, logic, pedagogy, philosophy, history of philosophy in Continue reading

Happiness, ataraxia in philosophy of Epicurus

epikurusFor start, it should be noted that the topic given to me was very interesting, it even further disclosure caused me pleasure.

Need your attention on the fact that the philosophical principles of Epicurus strangely coincide with some philosophical tenets of Eastern culture, such as Zen of Buddhists or arrogant form of Confucianism.

In my understanding, there are some similar with a modern philosophy of nihilism. The first tag of Tetrapharmakos (four principle of Epicurus doctrine), Continue reading

Ethical, philosophical teachings of Ivan Vyshensky

ivan_vishenskijA talented patriot preacher, the fame of which was spread on the lands of Ukraine. Master analogy, winner of the literary style and imagery, emotion and marked impulsivity. The speaker, whose enthusiasm combined with skepticism and irony. The figure, which is fraught inspiration “true prophet”. It’s not all great ascetic merit our history John Vyshensky.

Uncompromising Vishensky was firmly convinced that only the Orthodox faith will save Ukraine, and all the newfound European science and the theory of “demonic a dream.” Can we agree with this opinion patriotic man who was perhaps blinded by patriotic aim too high? Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of Kierkegaard

kierkegaardDanish philosopher Soren Kierkegord is one of the most popular authors of non-classical philosophy, he devoted himself to literature. The subject of his research in his works were the work of “either – Or”, “Fear and trembling” He criticized Hegel for what he has deprived man of freedom and independence.

There is nothing in common in existence Kierkegaard and Hegel. According to Hegel, one can attain the Supreme through serial passage level ideas and nature. S. Kierkegaard argued that the highest stage of human development is faith. Human life as a whole is based on the rules of conduct, norms and principles, on ethics. Continue reading

The relationship between law, moral and morality in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law

Hegel_portrait45German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 – 1831) doesn’t take a significant place in ethics compared with philosophy in general. But he made a very decisive step forward – the transition from ethics of goodwill to the ethics of socially meaningful activity. This step was necessary for the appearence of a historical-materialistic theory of morality.

In general, according to Hegel a law can be understood in its three core values. I. A right in the sense of freedom. Freedom and law have the united understanding. So the freedom is the existence of will, as Georg Hegel believed that thinking and will – Continue reading