Author Archives: Mary

Existence Choice in Jean-Paul Sartr Phylosophy

Jean-Paul SartrBy the analysis of the metaphisic reality of the Sartrs’s “Nausea”, I would like to emphasize the following: how the apprehention of objective environment able to turn a man into an individual who is guided by his/her existention?

The choice determines the level of internal freedom of human and finally finds the fact of spiritual existence. If the choice has been made, – all consequences fall fully on the person who made that choice. If the choice wasn’t made as a result of free will of individual based on the internal grounds, but was a “side-effect” of Continue reading

The Moral of Revolutionaries

RevolutionariesAs a rule, Political Science considers revolutions in isolation from the moral qualities of people that make it, abstracts from them.

Moreover, even considering the revolution in moral categories the moral of revolutionaries as such remains outside its field of view (this cannot be said about fiction literature: let’s remember, for example, Dostoevsky’s “Demons”!). Continue reading

P. Ricoeur about The Resolution of Value Conflicts by National Cultures

Paul-RicoeurP. Ricoeur belongs to the classics of modern philosophy. His interests are universal. In a number of works the thinker touches upon the question of the conflict of cultures, the understanding of the Other, the definition of the self.

Ricoeur points out that humanity, taken as a single organism, is part of a single global civilization, which represents an enormous progress for all and the main objective here is to survive and adapt to the cultural heritage. Continue reading

Ethics and Politics in Ibn Bajjah Philosophy

ibnu bajjah1The political and ethical thought of the Eastern (Arabic-speaking) peripatetic philosophy has a rich tradition. One of the most prominent representatives of this intellectual school was the Andalusian medieval thinker, scholar and politician Ibn Bajjаh.

The socio-political component of the methodology of Ibn Bajjah was formed both under the influence of the theoretical heritage of ancient Greek philosophy and the Falsafa tradition as well as on the basis of his own experience formed by long years of service at the court of the Almoravids as a wazir. Continue reading

Soren Kierkegaard: Criticism of Philosophical Systems

soren-kierkegaardIn all his works Kierkergaard criticizes contemporaries, the era and the society in which he lived. Kierkegaard was dissatisfied with conservative traditionalism, revolutionism, and reformism because they turned everything into politics and politics has become a field for politicians and their deals.

He regarded the revolution of 1848 as a “catastrophe”, a “historical convulsion”, defining the then revolutionary upheaval not as a single act but as a condition that threatens to become permanent. Continue reading

Ethical Norms of Social Being in M. Heidegger’s Hermeneutic Philosophy

martinHaedegerAs is well known, Martin Heidegger’s philosophy has no holistic ethical theory, but his questioning about being closely interlinks with ethical problems. According to the German philosopher’s ideas, the existence of human being primarily has a social nature that ontologically implies the presence of moral norms and rules of conduct for the possibility of realizing a collective being in a common society.

Heidegger have criticized ethical teachings that preceded him and constructed his own ideas about the social world and its ethical norms. The main emphasis he placed on the being-in-the-world that shared with other people. Continue reading

Values as A Way to Win

ValuePerception of the role of values as a factor in the derationalization of the conflict is dominant in the modern theory of conflict. And interest in conflicts of values is extremely great. Meanwhile, in conflictological literature the clarity in describing values as a specific object of the dispute leaves much to be desired. If material objects, such as resources or status are prepared to the smallest detail, Continue reading

Ethics in Philosophy of Politics: Why Rawls’ Theory of Justice Is Not Universal?

John-Rawls-1John Rawls is one of the most important western political philosophers of the 20th century whose book “Theory of Justice” is one of the most cited contemporary books in this discipline. In this work, Rawls develops the enlightened idea of the social contract modifying it to the idea of the “original position”, in which any rational individual will choose certain principles of justice.

First of all, it should be noted that the idea of writing such a work is based on the author’s Continue reading

The Intentions of Social Revolutions: Freedom as A Condition for Changing Paradigms

PoliticalToday the political and social space of the world has unstable, internal political and social development.

Such instability of development is designated by unpredictability of the social world, his vulnerability from accidents. In many respects, the immanence of accidents is shown in consciousness of the individual which finds purposeful activity under the influence of the dominating social paradigm. Continue reading

The Ethical Component of The Sociopolitical Changes

GlobalizationModern problems of society and political authorities often minimise the nature of the relationship of public power and citizen, because the political regime determines the degree of social freedoms.

Studying social world even as it agreed to talk about how a totalitarian regime from authoritarianism and democracy, but attempts to more accurately classify their diversity leveled many intermediate modes of organization and implementation authorities. Continue reading